Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Title
Now showing items 198-217 of 351
Named Entity Recognition without Labelled Data: A Weak Supervision Approach
(Chapter, 2020)Named Entity Recognition (NER) performance often degrades rapidly when applied to target domains that differ from the texts observed during training. When in-domain labelled data is available, transfer learning techniques ... -
National-Scale Detection of New Forest Roads in Sentinel-2 Time Series
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Norwegian Environment Agency is responsible for updating a map of undisturbed nature, which is performed every five years based on aerial photos. Some of the aerial photos are already up to five years old when a new ... -
A new framework for semi-Markovian parametric multi-state models with interval censoring
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)There are few computational and methodological tools available for the analysis of general multi-state models with interval censoring. Here, we propose a general framework for parametric inference with interval censored ... -
A new framework for semi-Markovian parametric multi-state models with interval censoring
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)There are few computational and methodological tools available for the analysis of general multi-state models with interval censoring. Here, we propose a general framework for parametric inference with interval censored ... -
The NMODEL statistical package - Version 2.0
(NR-notat;, Research report, 1995) -
Nordmenn og deling av persondata
(NR-rapport;, Research report, 2019) -
Nordmenn og deling av persondata. Resultater fra en nasjonal undersøkelse i 2020 og to nasjonale undersøkelser i 2019
(Report at the Norwegian Computing Center;, Research report, 2020) -
Notes from Literature about Universal Design, Accessibility & Robots
(NR-notat;, Research report, 2022) -
Novel and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Continuous Authentication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Continuous authentication enhances security by re-verifying a user’s validity during the active session. It utilizes data about users’ behavioral actions and contextual information to authenticate them continuously. Such ... -
The NSPACE statistical package. Version 2.0
(NR-notat;, Research report, 1995) -
The NUTILITY statistical package. Version 2.0
(NR-notat;, Research report, 1995) -
Om ventemusikk og teknostress: En oversikt over hørselshemmedes bruk av kommunikasjonsteknologi
(Research report, 2022) -
On the adaptive delegation and sequencing of actions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
On the Effects of Self-supervision and Contrastive Alignment in Deep Multi-view Clustering
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Self-supervised learning is a central component in recent approaches to deep multi-view clustering (MVC). However, we find large variations in the development of self-supervision-based methods for deep MVC, potentially ... -
On the number of bins in a rank histogram
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Optimized Anticipatory Adaptive Security Models for IoT-enabled Smart Grids
(Research report, 2020)The objective of this deliverable is to improve the accuracy of the adaptive mechanisms for different IoTs processing capabilities by applying high-level optimization using machine learning and AI approaches. In adaptive ... -
Out of Control. How consumers are exploited by the online advertising industry
(Research report, 2021) -
Pairwise local Fisher and naive Bayes: Improving two standard discriminants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Fisher discriminant is probably the best known likelihood discriminant for continuous data. Another benchmark discriminant is the naive Bayes, which is based on marginals only. In this paper we extend both discriminants ... -
Parkinson’s disease, treatment choice and survival over time
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Objectives We compared Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) – and dopamine agonist (DA) monotherapy patients with respect to survival, considering gender, age, first prescriber’s specialty and relevant co-morbidity, and compared ... -
Partially linear monotone methods with automatic variable selection and monotonicity direction discovery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)