Publikasjoner fra Cristin
Recent Submissions
Predicting a food product’s missing nutritional values using machine learning and matching algorithms from natural language processing
(Research report, 2022)To analyze the nutritional trends of Norwegian households, Statistics Norway uses a combination of grocery store receipts and food product information, namely the nutritional values of each product. However, since the ... -
Efficient sparsity adaptive changepoint estimation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We propose a computationally efficient and sparsity adaptive procedure for estimating changes in unknown subsets of a high-dimensional data sequence. Assuming the data sequence is Gaussian, we prove that the new method ... -
Prediksjon av TVINN- varenummer ved bruk av maskinlæring på fritekstfelt
(NR-notat;, Research report, 2024)Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) publiserer månedlig statistikk over utenrikshandel med varer (UHV). Formålet med statistikken er å gi en oversikt over varestrømmene mellom Norge og utlandet. Eksport og import av varer er ... -
Insurance analytics: Prediction, explainability, and fairness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The expanding application of advanced analytics in insurance has generated numerous opportunities, such as more accurate predictive modeling powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods, the utilization ... -
Conversational Feedback in Scripted versus Spontaneous Dialogues: A Comparative Analysis
(Chapter, 2024)Scripted dialogues such as movie and TV subtitles constitute a widespread source of training data for conversational NLP models. However, there are notable linguistic differences between these dialogues and spontaneous ... -
Bayesian seismic 4D inversion for lithology and fluid prediction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Seismic data acquired at different times over the same area can provide insight into changes in an oil/gas reservoir. Probabilities for pore fluid will typically change, whereas the lithology remains stable over time. This ... -
National-Scale Detection of New Forest Roads in Sentinel-2 Time Series
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Norwegian Environment Agency is responsible for updating a map of undisturbed nature, which is performed every five years based on aerial photos. Some of the aerial photos are already up to five years old when a new ... -
Effect of testing criteria for infectious disease surveillance: The case of COVID-19 in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)During the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway, the testing criteria and capacity changed numerous times. In this study, we aim to assess consequences of changes in testing criteria for infectious disease surveillance. We plotted ... -
Fast spatial simulation of extreme high-resolution radar precipitation data using integrated nested Laplace approximations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aiming to deliver improved precipitation simulations for hydrological impact assessment studies, we develop a methodology for modelling and simulating high-dimensional spatial precipitation extremes, focusing on both their ... -
CybAlliance WP2 Annual Mobility Report 2024
(Research report, 2024) -
CybAlliance WP2 Annual National and International Workshops Report 2024
(Research report, 2024) -
CybAlliance WP2 Annual Open Seminar Report 2024
(Research report, 2024) -
Incorporation of observation uncertainty in stock assessment using spatio-temporal modeling of catch-at-length and age-at-length survey data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Spatio-temporal models are essential tools for estimating abundance indices and quantifying the associated uncertainty. Time series of index uncertainties can be used to objectively determine the influence each index has ... -
Incorporating probabilistic domain knowledge into deep multiple instance learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Consistent prediction of well paths and geological surfaces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We propose a smooth stochastic process for modeling the vertical well path uncertainty. This process describes the accumulation of measurement errors along the well path. We combine the stochastic process with a stochastic ... -
Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Distributed Analytics Scenarios
(Chapter, 2024)Distributed analytics, such as federated learning, involve collaborative computation across multiple decentralized devices. This approach not only reduces data transfer costs but also offers some degree of protection for ... -
A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research
(Lecture, 2024) -
A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research
(Chapter, 2024)We present a NAO robot that plays rock, paper, scissors with participants. The robot was an attempt to show how different aspects of computer science can be combined to make a fun and interesting interaction. We document ... -
A Tree Representation of Pluri-Gaussian Truncation Rules
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Stochastic facies models based on truncated Gaussian random fields are known for being flexible and well suited to reproduce patterns and features from analogues or conceptual models. In pluri-Gaussian simulation, the ... -
A Survey on the Perception of Opportunities and Limitations of Generative AI in the Public Sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have increased the interest in applications of AI in general and Generative AI in particular. This interest is manifested in public debate on the promise and limitations ...