Recent Submissions

  • Advice on fishing opportunities for Northeast Arctic cod in 2025 in ICES subareas 1 and 2 

    Howell, Daniel; Nielsen, Anders; Stock, Brian; Kotaro, Ono; Clain, Laura; Fossheim, Maria; Wenneck, Thomas de Lange; Harbitz, Alf; Perez-Rodriguez, Alfonso; Iriondo, Ane; Staby, Arved; Bogstad, Bjarte; Husson, Berengere; Marshall, C. Tara; Tranang, Caroline Aas; Johannesen, Edda; Vozgirdas, Eduardas; Eriksen, Elena; Eidset, Elise; Hallfredsson, Elvar Halldor; Berg, Erik; Skaret, Georg; Höffle, Hannes; Jacobsen, Jan Arge; Stiansen, Jan Erik; Godiksen, Jane Aanestad; Fall, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth; Trochta, John Tyler; Gondra, Jon Ruiz; Sanchez, José Miguel Casas; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Trella, Kordian; Windsland, Kristin; Aune, Magnus; Bernreuther, Matthias; Vihtakari, Mikko; Breivik, Olav Nikolai; Alpoim, Ricardo; Tallman, Ross; Subbey, Samuel; Seim, Silje Elisabeth; Gundersen, Sofie; Hølleland, Sondre Nedreås; Karlson, Stine; Vollen, Tone (IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;, Research report, 2024)
  • CybAlliance WP4 Annual Progress Report 2024 

    Roufaida, Laidi; Ilangko, Balasingham; Pirbhulal, Sandeep (Report, 2024)
    This report presents the progress and achievements of Work Package WP4, encompassing three primary components: Experience Sharing (WP.4.1), Project Proposal Ideas (WP.4.2), and Joint Publications (WP.4.3). Significant ...
  • Advice on fishing opportunities for beaked redfish in 2025 and 2026 in ICES subareas 1 and 2 

    Howell, Daniel; Nielsen, Anders; Stock, Brian; Ono, Kotaro; Clain, Laura; Fossheim, Maria; Wenneck, Thomas de Lange; Harbitz, Alf; Perez-Rodriguez, Alfonso; Iriondo, Ane; Staby, Arved; Bogstad, Bjarte; Husson, Berengere; Marshall, C. Tara; Tranang, Caroline Aas; Johannesen, Edda; Vozgirdas, Eduardas; Eriksen, Elena; Eidset, Elise; Hallfredsson, Elvar H.; Berg, Erik; Skaret, Georg; Höffle, Hannes; Jacobsen, Jan Arge; Stiansen, Jan Erik; Godiksen, Jane Aanestad; Fall, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth; Trochta, John Tyler; Gondra, Jon Ruiz; Sanchez, José Miguel Casas; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Trella, Kordian; Windsland, Kristin; Aune, Magnus; Bernreuther, Matthias; Vihtakari, Mikko; Breivik, Olav Nikolai; Alpoim, Ricardo; Tallman, Ross; Subbey, Samuel; Seim, Silje Elisabeth; Gundersen, Sofie; Hølleland, Sondre Nedreås; Karlson, Stine; Vollen, Tone (IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;, Research report, 2024)
  • Method development for mapping kelp using drones and satellite images: Results from the KELPMAP-Vega project 

    Gundersen, Hege; Hancke, Kasper; Salberg, Arnt Børre; Poulsen, Robert Nøddebo; Buls, Toms; Liu, Izzie Yi; Ghareeb, Medyan; Christie, Hartvig C; Kile, Maia Røst; Bekkby, Trine; Arvidsson, Karoline Slettebø; Kvile, Kristina Øie (NIVA-rapport;, Research report, 2024)
    The KELPMAP study demonstrated that high-resolution multispectral data from drones and satellites, combined with AI-based image analysis, can efficiently map kelp forests and other coastal habitats. The field campaign, ...
  • Synshemmede i arbeidslivet: Et arbeidsgiverperspektiv 

    Fyhn, Tonje; Halbach, Till; Skeide Fuglerud, Kristin; Kjæret, Kristin; Olsen, Terje André (Research report, 2022)
  • Synshemmede i arbeidslivet: Et arbeidsgiverperspektiv 

    Fyhn, Tonje; Halbach, Till; Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Kjæret, Kristin; Olsen, Terje André (NORCE - Norwegian Research Centre AS;, Research report, 2022)
  • Full deltakelse for alle? Delrapport IKT 

    Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide (Research report, 2006)
  • Out of Control. How consumers are exploited by the online advertising industry 

    Myrstad, Finn; Tjøstheim, Ingvar (Research report, 2021)
  • Time to ban surveillance-based advertising. The case against commercial surveillance online 

    Myrstad, Finn; Tjøstheim, Ingvar (Research report, 2021)
  • Fisheries acoustics and Acoustic Target Classification - Report from the COGMAR/CRIMAC workshop on machine learning methods in fisheries acoustics 

    Handegard, Nils Olav; Andersen, Lars Nonboe; Brautaset, Olav; Choi, Changkyu; Eliassen, Inge Kristian; Heggelund, Yngve; Hestnes, Arne Johan; Malde, Ketil; Osland, Håkon; Ordonez, Alba; Patel, Ruben; Pedersen, Geir; Umar, Ibrahim; Engeland, Tom Van; Vatnehol, Sindre (Rapport fra havforskningen;, Research report, 2021)
    This report documents a workshop organised by the COGMAR and CRIMAC projects. The objective of the workshop was twofold. The first objective was to give an overview of ongoing work using machine learning for Acoustic Target ...
  • Final report for the REDUS project - Reduced Uncertainty in Stock Assessment 

    Olsen, Erik Joel Steinar; Aanes, Sondre; Aldrin, Magne Tommy; Breivik, Olav Nikolai; Fuglebakk, Edvin; Goto, Daisuke; Handegard, Nils Olav; Hansen, Cecilie; Holmin, Arne Johannes; Howell, Daniel; Johnsen, Espen; Jourdain, Natoya; Korsbrekke, Knut; Ono, Kotaro; Otterå, Håkon Magne; Perryman, Holly Ann; Subbey, Samuel; Søvik, Guldborg; Umar, Ibrahim; Vatnehol, Sindre; Vølstad, Jon Helge (Rapport fra havforskningen;, Research report, 2021)
    The REDUS project (2016-2020) has been a strategic project at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) aimed at quantifying and reducing the uncertainty in data-rich and age-structured stock assessments (e.g., cod, herring, ...