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  • Areal reduction factors from gridded data products 

    Lutz, Julia; Roksvåg, Thea Julie Thømt; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe; Lussana, Cristian; Thorarinsdottir, Thordis Linda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Areal reduction factors (ARFs) convert a point estimate of extreme precipitation to an estimate of extreme precipitation over a spatial domain, and are commonly used in flood risk estimation. The fixed-area approach to ARF ...
  • Predicting a food product’s missing nutritional values using machine learning and matching algorithms from natural language processing 

    Redelmeier, Annabelle Alice; Løland, Anders (Research report, 2022)
    To analyze the nutritional trends of Norwegian households, Statistics Norway uses a combination of grocery store receipts and food product information, namely the nutritional values of each product. However, since the ...
  • Efficient sparsity adaptive changepoint estimation 

    Moen, Per August Jarval; Glad, Ingrid Kristine; Tveten, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    We propose a computationally efficient and sparsity adaptive procedure for estimating changes in unknown subsets of a high-dimensional data sequence. Assuming the data sequence is Gaussian, we prove that the new method ...
  • Prediksjon av TVINN- varenummer ved bruk av maskinlæring på fritekstfelt 

    Kolstø, Johannes Voll; Haugen, Marion; Anderson, Mark David; Løland, Anders (NR-notat;, Research report, 2024)
    Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) publiserer månedlig statistikk over utenrikshandel med varer (UHV). Formålet med statistikken er å gi en oversikt over varestrømmene mellom Norge og utlandet. Eksport og import av varer er ...
  • Insurance analytics: Prediction, explainability, and fairness 

    Aas, Kjersti; Charpentier, Arthur; Huang, Fei; Richman, Ronald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    The expanding application of advanced analytics in insurance has generated numerous opportunities, such as more accurate predictive modeling powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods, the utilization ...

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